Table Bay Rover Crew wins the Hawkeye Trophy

table bay hawkeye 2016Big thanks to everyone who attended Hawkeye and made it fun and a little crazy. Congrats to Table Bay Rover Crew for being the overall winners of the day, but 1st Pinelands, Kanonkop and Constantiaberg can also hold their heads high, it was incredibly close at the end! Going forward we hope to come up with even bigger, crazier and more adventurous ideas – this is Rovers after all! Any feedback anyone has to offer, especially ideas for next year, will be hugely appreciated.

I’d like to please collect all the photos everyone took during the event. Can you please email or Whatsapp (0832257580) all your photos to me directly to upload, or upload them yourself to the shared album here:

Hawkeye Trophy 2016 final scoresheet
