Get the Rover Handbook Now!

rover handbook image1It is here! The new Rover Handbook is available at the National Scout Shop and online at For only R130 you will receive the lever-arch file with the Rover Handbook Module.

The new Rover Handbook was compiled by SSA’s National Chair Rover Programme, Cameron Belling. A special thank you goes out to Elizabeth Britz, Gerard Evans, Kevin Herbst, Carmen Jearey, Father Charles Prince, the SIGMA Rover Crew,  Jearóid Harris, Ryan Inkley, Eddie Watson, Natasha Kayle and Andrew Tanner for contributing towards the development of the new handbook. We also acknowledge and thank the Scout Association of Australia and Rovers Canada for the use of certain references and text.

The beautiful illustrations are the work of Ms. Amy Topper. If you wish to use the illustrations in any other form then in the Rover handbook please acquire prior permission by emailing

First edition 2016
© SCOUTS South Africa 2016, The contents of this book may not be reproduced without the prior written permission from the CEO of the SCOUTS South Africa National Office.