The term of service of members of the National Awards Committee (NAC) is coming to an end and therefore they are looking for applications and / or nominations from within Members of SSA. Application and nominations are to be endorsed by the Regional Commissioner prior to being submitted to the Chair: Adult Support.
Requirements and appointment process:
- NAC Members are to be Members of SSA who have been recognised for their services to the Movement and have at least 15 years Adult service.
- The Committee Members should be drawn from all Regions and no Region shall have more than one member on the Committee.
- Applications and Nominations for membership of the NAC shall be sought from each Regional Commissioner. Members holding any position in the National Office or Structure may not serve on the NAC.
- Members of the NAC will be appointed by the Scout Manco on the recommendation of the Chair: National Adult Support.
- NAC members shall be appointed for an initial period not exceeding five years and may have their appointment extended for a further period not exceeding two years on the recommendation of the Chair: National Adult Resources. In deciding the period of appointment consideration will be given to ensuring continuity on the NAC. Thus, the tenure for any person serving on the NAC may not exceed seven years.
- In January each year the Committee shall elect a Chairperson, who has at least two years left to serve on the committee, from amongst themselves. The Chair cannot serve for more then two years. For the initial appointment of the NAC, the period of appointment of members will be either 3, 4 or 5 years to ensure continuity of the members of the NAC and for a smooth transition from one Chairperson to another.
To apply or nominate a SSA member to the National Awards Committee please complete the application form or else a nomination form and send it to your Regional Commissioner for endorsement. Once endorsed, the RC should send it to Deadline for application and nominations EXTENDED to 31 January 2023.