Jearóid Harris, Nat. Coordinator Youth Leadership Development

We are excited to welcome Jearóid Harris to our National Scout Programme Team as National Coordinator: Youth Leadership Development.

Jearóid grew up in Scouting, took a break, and returned as an adult volunteer. He has held numerous positions at Group and Regional level. He is currently the Regional Coordinator: Youth Leadership Training in Gauteng, the Chair of the Gauteng Patrol Leaders Training Unit, an Assistant Leader Trainer and member of the Gauteng Adult Leader Training Team. Over and above this, he is a Rover Scouter and the Warden of the Gillwell Scout Training Centre in Florida Lake.

“I always joke that my first Scouting event was at two weeks old when my mom took me to her Brownie Pack that she was a helper at. I joined 1st Melville Cubs in 1989 or 1990 and stayed at the 1st Melville Scout Group until I aged out in 2001. I then took an 11-year break and rejoined in 2012 when 1st Greenside were looking for more Scouters. I also joined the North West District Rover Crew in 2012”, he says.

When asked what has kept him in Scouting all these years, he doesn’t hesitate “First of all, playing a part in the growth and development of the Scouts is special and especially rewarding. Secondly, the Rover programme and adult training have provided me with goals to work towards, new skills and recognition for hard work put in, and a job well done. Thirdly, it’s lots of fun! Last but not least, and I’m sure I could go on listing many more reasons, I’ve made some very close and special friends through Scouting, and we continue to show up for each other. There have also been so many Scouting moments that I am proud of. It’s difficult to pinpoint one, but I’m quite chuffed with myself for achieving what I call the Scouting Grand Slam: Leaping Wolf, Springbok Award, BP Award and a Wood Badge [I have two]).  However, I now need to go do my Meerkat Gold Star to recomplete the Grand Slam!”, he quips.

“The World Rover Moot in Iceland was pretty special too. However, I think the message I received from one of my Scouts- after I’d stopped being his Troop Scouter and moved to a Regional role – in which he told me how much I’d influenced his life and thanked me for helping him get to where he was in life, stands out as a very special moment for me.”

It’s clear that Jearóid brings with him years of Scouting and training experience which will be of great value to the National Scout Programme Team.  “The Scout Promise and Law set Scouting apart from other youth programmes and organisations. It is an incredible guide to how to live life, and deal with challenges and difficulties. It gives us a moral compass and philosophy on life that sets us apart from others. The programme and badges one can earn provide the youth members with life skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Add to that the leadership development opportunities and we’ve got the full package!”

In his new role he aims to support the Scouters in using the Patrol System correctly and effectively in their Troops. “If we can get that right, everything else will easily fall in to place. Over and above that, we want to standardise the youth leadership development courses (LDC 1, LDC 2, PLTC and PLTU) across the country and make sure they are accessible to as many Scouts as possible.”

So how can we as Scouts and Scouters support Jearóid in achieving these aims? “Read Scout literature to fully understand our methods and philosophy. Ask questions and share experiences – what has worked or not worked for you? Volunteer to assist in running the various leadership development courses. Be willing to learn and/or adapt and understand that everything we do as adults is for the youth members and their growth and development. Most importantly, commit to running the Patrol System in Troops and guide/assist the Court of Honours in running their Troops correctly and effectively, whilst actually giving the power to the Court of Honour and not keeping control for yourself.”

We look forward to seeing Jearóid grow and elevate Youth Leadership Development within SCOUTS South Africa and rejuvenate the development and training of our future young leaders. Jearóid can be contacted on Jearó