Written by Sandile Tshabalala, Scout Board Member

Sandile Tshabalala
Today being Founders Day celebrating Robert Baden-Powell, I am reminded of my early days at 9 years old as a Cub in primary school. While involved in many Scouting activities across Mpumalanga; camping, volunteering and learning new skills with akela Solitha Thema. I had never imaged one day I would grow to become part of the Board of Directors of SCOUTS South Africa. Working together with an incredible team of strategic leaders, putting effortless energy towards making sure that Scouting continues to grow and provide meaningful social impact in all communities across South Africa.
Scouting has always been inspiring to me as a Movement that brings together everyone from all walks of life, I recall being at the Scout Jamboree in the United Kingdom and marvelling at the diversity of Scouts from across the world. The brightness of the different uniforms, the visibility of the excellence in badges, the variety of languages and the smiles that connected all of us to each other; that was Scouting.
Scouting in inclusive because it allows all of us to be ourselves, we are not restricted from bringing our cultures and traditions that strengthen the common value. I remember during a cooking competition; we all could bring ingredients of our choice and cook meals to share with others, I had never tasted such a variety of dishes before and the joy of every Scout explaining the selection of their food. Each dish carried pride; from home, from belonging to a culture with exceptional cuisine and from being in a safe space to share food. This brought us all together and connected closely to each other; food did that but Scouting enabled that possibility. What a memorable moment!
Robert Baden-Powell once said ‘look wide, and even when you think you are looking wide – look wider still’ – I resonate with this call for introspection to look beyond any limitations of life, Scouting enforces us to look wide within ourselves so that we can accept our responsibility to make the world a better place, to contribute towards the betterment of our communities, collectively. I am proud to be a Scout, almost twenty years later; I remain in a Movement that inspires the promotion of peace, inclusivity, youth leadership, and driving sustainability where we are with what we have, together.