The Courses
Introduction to Adult Leader Training (Stage One Training):
The aim of the course is to introduce new Adult Members to the Aims and Principles of Scouting and to provide them with relevant knowledge and skills necessary to run basic Den, Pack or Troop meetings or accept the role of Scout Group Leader.
The course is available to any adult leader over the age of 18 years, whether they have been invested or not.
After successfully completing the course, the Adult Member can apply for a limited warrant in a role specific to the branch of scouting (Den, Pack, Troop, Rover, SGL / Commissioner) in which they have undergone their training. The limited warrant is valid for 18 months during which time the Adult Member should complete a Warrant course specific to their branch of scouting.
Warrant Course Training (Stage Two Training):
The aim of the Warrant Course is to prepare adult leaders with the relevant knowledge and skills necessary to perform their various roles. The warrant course is specific to the scouter’s chosen branch of operation, i.e., either Den, Pack, Troop, Rover or SGL / Commissioner.
The course is available to any invested adult leader who has completed the IAL course.
After successfully completing the course, the Adult Member can apply for a Warrant in a role specific to the branch of scouting (Den, Pack, Troop, Rover, SGL) in which they have undergone their training. The initial warrant is valid for 5 years with options to renew the warrant thereafter. It is recommended that the adult leader completes the Woodbadge course by the time their initial warrant expires.
Wood Badge Training (Stage Three Training):
The aim of the Wood Badge Course is to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scout movement. The Wood Badge course is specific to the scouter’s chosen branch of operation, i.e., either Den, Pack, Troop, Rover or SGL /Commissioner.
The course is a combination of theoretical and practical outdoors-based training followed by a Wood Badge ticket, also known as the project phase. By “working the ticket”, participants put their newly gained experience into practice to attain ticket goals aiding the Scouting movement. On successful completion of the course, the scouter is presented with 2 wooden beads on a leather thong to recognize significant achievement in leadership and direct service to young people.
Water Awareness Courses:
The aim of the Water Awareness Course is to provide Scouters and senior Scouts with preparative training to incorporate fun and safe water activities into their events. The course discusses safety equipment, the procedures for safe swimming and gives background to analysing the impact of weather on water activities.
On successful completion of the course, the Water Awareness Badge holder will be able to oversee swimming and rafting activities on flat water eg. Small dams and swimming pools (not running rivers).
Committee Members courses
The Aim of the Committee Members Course is to introduce parents and Scouting Unit Leaders to the processes and procedures that pertain to running an effective functional Group.
The course is available to parents/Unit heads who have volunteered and elected to serve on the Groups committee. The various portfolios that have been filled will be elaborated on more comprehensively. Policies that are relevant to running a group in an honest and transparent way will be explained.
Some of the outcomes are:
- The organization of Scouting
- The Group Committee in action
- How to run effective meetings
- Budgeting and fundraising
- Scouting- The legal aspects
- Annual General Meeting
- Scouts Digital
On successful completion of the course, the committee will be capable of running the Group effectively.
Cub Camping License
In order for a warranted pack Unit Leader to take cubs camping, they require the Camping License.
Air Skills License Courses
Water Charge License Courses
Booking Training
All Adult Leader training is booked via Scouts.Digital. This is the general management system used for Scouts SA. Click the below link to book your training. Note: You must be LOGGED IN to Scouts.Digital for this link to redirect you to the bookings page.
Book Training
What is Moodle?
Moodle is Scouts SA online training platform. If you sign up for an online course, the training material will be offered on this platform.
Access Moodle
Adult Training Team
- Nimmy Abrahams
- Paddy Milner
- Peter Otzen
- Quintin Combrink
- Ahmad Solomon
- Nicky Jonas
- Sharon Ievers
- Judith Bishop
- Peter Statham
- Jonathan Webb
- Craig Burchell-Burger