The Rayner Trophy was held in the Hottentots Holland Mountains and started at Nuweberg and took the Scouts to Landdroskop Hut where they spent the night. They then walked down the kloof back to Nuweberg. Bad weather was an issue, but Scouts came well prepared to counter rain and were in high spirits. The scenery in those mountains is spectacular. This year’s entry of 32 teams was the biggest number of teams we have had in many years.
Congratulations to 1st Muizenberg for winning the Rayner for the first time, 1st Durbanville for coming second and 2nd Fish Hoek for coming third.
Many thanks to Sean Wilbraham, a member of two winning Rayner teams back in the day, for being the Chief Judge as well as all the judges.
Rayner Trophy 2023 Team Mark Sheets
Rayner Trophy 2023 Score Breakdown
Rayner Trophy 2023 Winners