The Star Award Recognition Programme is a Patrol and Troop management and self-assessment tool that is also used to recognise Troops and Patrols who are meeting the Aims of SCOUTS South Africa.

The Scout methods used, in particular the Patrol System, are the tools that differentiate Scouting from any other youth organization. The Star Awards also serve as an essential tool for Troop Scouters, District Commissioners (DCs) and Support Team Members (STMs) to identify areas where support is needed in the various disciplines of both the Patrol and the Scout Troop.

While it is indeed a voluntary programme all Troops and Patrols are encouraged to participate as it assists all involved with an accurate metric of how the unit is functioning.

It should however be noted that achieving a Star Award is part of the First Class Advancement (Task 17). Even if you are only participating in the programme and not getting a star ranking there is still benefit, not just for Tonkin points but also as a means to plan for your troop and patrol the following year.

Purposes & Outcomes

The purpose of the Star Award Recognition Programme is for the Patrol Leader and Troop Scouter to assess and review:

  • the implementation of the Patrol System within the Patrol / Scout Troop;
  • the methods used for the implementation of the Patrol System and Scout Programme;
  • the implementation of the Scout Programme within the Troop and its Patrols;
  • the requirements and interpretation of the Star Award at each level: Patrol, Troop.

The Star Award Recognition Programme is very important for the ongoing monitoring, support, and development of SCOUTS South Africa’s youth programmes.


The Star Award period runs on the calendar year from January 1st to December 31st. The Troop Scouter should be meeting with the Court of Honour in June/July to do an initial assessment and see how the Patrols are faring. The final assessment will be done at the end of the year, usually November/December, with the final submission date being the 9th December.

It should be noted that even though you are submitting the forms in early December you may still include activities/events that take place right up until the end.


The submission protocol below is only for the Western Cape Region Troop & Patrol Star Awards.

  1. Download the latest Star Troop & Patrol forms from the Scouts South Africa website
  2. Complete in full as shown in the example and instructions pages
  3. Once done, save the documents using clear file names, eg: 6th Gilwell Troop Star Awards or 6th Gilwell Cheetahs Star Awards
  4. Click on the button below to access the form to submit them

Once you submit, the following will happen

  1. You will receive an email confirming the receipt
  2. Your District Commissioner will receive a confirmation email, along with the Star Awards attached (no action is needed from their side)
  3. Your submissions will be sent to a central repository where Regional Reps will review and compile