Service to Hawequas Day

Date: Saturday 7 October 2023, 1:30 pm for 2pm

Venue: Hawequas Scout Adventure Centre, Wellington

An afternoon of service to Hawequas to remove a stand of Hakea and Pine, invasive aliens that displace the indigenous fynbos vegetation. Please bring a bow saw, garden gloves, water, hat, sunscreen and mug. Wear sturdy shoes or boots and long pants.

Tonkin trophy points are awarded for service to Hawequas.

Boerewors rolls and cold drinks will be served at the main house after the alien clearing. A donation is requested to cover the costs of this.

Should your Group not be able to make the day, please consider making donation to the Hawequas Fynbos Restoration project.Β  The Snapscan code is below. Please enter “<Your name> Fyn” for the bank reference.